Sunday, December 04, 2005

Death Pool 2006

It's not quite over yet, but so far it appears I am to be congratulated for winning the Death Pool 2005 with correctly guessing two deaths: The Pope, and Arthur Miller. I totally should have guessed Rosa Parks, but oh well.

Nobody else got any correct, though you might have won had you guessed "hundreds of New Orleaners", "hundreds of American soldiers", or "lots of people with AIDS". Not really, though. Because you have to select famous people.

Now it's time for you to predict the demise of famous people in 2006. Remember, Ted Williams died in 2002, so don't waste your time.

Deadline to respond (in the comments section) is December 31.


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Mr. Tim Finnagain said...

Lady Bird Johnson
John Kenneth Galbraith
Dick Cheney
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Boris Yeltsin
Sid Caesar
Joey Bishop
Nelson Mandela
James Earl Jones
Lena Horne
Shelley Winters
Robert McNamara

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Catfish Vegas said...

Gerald Ford
Regis Philbin
Keith Richards
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Warwick Davis

At 8:56 AM, Blogger JenC said...

can i play? i'd say...

Nancy Reagan
Annette Funicello
Dick Clark
Kirk Douglas
50 Cent
Fidel Castro
Merv Griffin
Elizabeth Taylor
Rudolph Giuliani

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Napes. You people are morons. Half the celebs you named are in perfect health, and Regis Philbin barely has grey hair. Here's the real list:

* Michael J. Fox
* Estelle Getty
* Don Ho
* Baba Booey's teeth

I hate blogs. I can't believe JLC suckered me into discussing this with you delinquents.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger JenC said...

i'd like to add george hamilton, if i may.

and napes sucks.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Catfish Vegas said...

Jackson Phineas Napes, in a mysterious fireball...

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Mr. Tim Finnagain said...

"You people are morons. Half the celebs you named are in perfect health"

It ain't health that keeps you alive, son. It's staying away from fireballs.

I recommends y'all get some more names in before Dec. 31 strikes. By the way, if they die before Jan. 1, 2006, it don't count. So, don't vote for Maya Angelou. She's going to die on Christmas. On the other hand, one sure thing for 2006 for those taking notes, is that we'll see the demise of a man whose name begins with "B" and ends with "illy Graham".


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