Friday, November 18, 2005

02. Chimes

(((the secret chiefs 3 part ways after the meeting, vowing to put forth their Plan against the Dominion)))

Calling it New York City is a bit of a nostalgic wish.

“Since when do you walk?”
“Time is frozen at its core, eternity is encased and protected by all that is hopeless and stupid.”
“Quiet — Unless the Dominion loses support of the workers there’s going to be hell in eternity. Stupidity has mastered dark matter because that’s the only way it could be understood.”
“But WHY are you walking?”

Conventional walking was best reserved for sidewalks any more. Tactile procession made more sense that way. Floating was what the teens did, purposeless, carefree, wasting the fruits of the mind-over-matter Revolution. Yoll just simply moved, quick, strong and sure. That was sure to show the Dominion a thing or two.

The official report was either meaningless or an attempt at a trap — and either one could mean nothing or something terrible. Halting movement on the Plan would amount to extending the truce, a condition that let the Dominion gain strength and wealth and —ultimately— power. And then it could chose to end the truce, leaving the chiefs and their allies outflanked, and forced to chose a weapon they were hesitant to use.
Yoll had argued for the Plan from near the beginning. It hadn’t been his, but the ultimate goals were what he shared.

The four-hour chimes rang. Yoll stopped, sinking slowly to his feet. He’d already forgot the meeting.

“Radiation is craving style. Energy on its own can be so lame. I prefer matter.”
“Synthesize — don’t separate. Fusion destroys time.”
“Tell me WHY you’re WALKING!”

In the olden days workers drew pay for their labors and in turn purchased what they needed. By the time of the Second Petroleum War, workers might well have been called soldiers, or slaves, because there was no pay and nothing came without a fight.


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