Sunday, October 23, 2005

Godfuckingdammit where are y'all motherfuckers?

So, godfuckingdammit where are y'all motherfuckers?

Anyway, excuse the outburst. I'm just hanging out. You know... My head feels a bit irritated. I think I have developped an allergy to alcohol, tobacco, and coffee. I experience a pain in my already painful throat each time I bring one of the aforementioned products to my lips. I don't get any sensation out of these products except a dry painful throat, headache, and sensitivity to light. I am currently wearing sunglasses in front of the computer, I am so sensitive to light. My body repulses in front of each of these products. Beer tastes like a superfizzy painful drink in my mouth. And I don't get drunk really, just kind of discombobulated, disjointed, and wishing I hadn't drinkened.

So I think I'm going to straight-edge it for a week. No alcohol. No cigarettes. No coffee. One week. Can I make it? I know I'll feel better. Every day I don't drink I feel fine and as soon as I take my first sip though, the good feeling of the day is ruined.

In the meanwhile, here I am. I'm about to write chapter 12 of the bike trip. It's a sunny but cold days in Paris. I am inside with sunglasses on and a blanket over my legs.

Garth's mom's out of town, so I'm living with her for a week. In November, I'm full-on homeless again, but I should be able to divvy up my month a couple nights here and there with different friends. By mid-December I can get my own place again.

I'm going to Ireland for three days in November. Got a 35 euro round trip. I'm flying to Shannon. I can stay with a friend in Cork the second and third night, but that first night, I'll have to try and get lucky. I'm going to bring a very warm jacket just in case.

Rock out with yer cock out.


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