Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Well, I don't want to be a fucko, so . . .
1. I passed by Richard Harris (Dumbledore for all you Harry Potter fans out there) on the sidewalk once. He looked intoxicated. I saw Woody Harrelson once also -- he looked high.
2. I don't remember what this question was, but I think it had something to do with Wilco. I ain't seen shit.
3. I can't remember any of the questions clearly except the one about filming in "Van City" (as the natives call it.) Canadians are lame -- further postings to come soon.
4. Jinxymew is enormously cute.
5. There was something about meat I think, since Mr. Chair outed us as veggies. Tofu is yummy.
You asked for ramble, you get ramble.

mr chair just held up his phone for me at a Jimmy Eat World concert -- they were covering Wham's "Last Christmas". My life is now complete.
Chomberson out!


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