Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I was born in the back of a Greyhound bus

And I was born a ramblin man.

Female fashion trend I used to find ridiculous, but have since come to like: wearing a skirt over jeans.
Female fashion trend I used to like, but have since come to find ridiculous: those fuzzy Kangal bucket hats.
I have a job interview tomorrow. I think if job interviews were held at bars, they'd be much more productive and fun. I've also always wanted to go to a job interview, and intentionally mispronounce simple words directly related to the job. Like, "I hope you'll consider me for your open news peporter position. I've written numerous articles for major newspakers." If anyone has any tips, I don't know how to respond to these questions: Where do you see yourself in five years? (God, not working here I hope. Costa Rica maybe? Mexico?) What do you hope to get out of this job? (Health insurance, duh) What are your outside interests? (Alcoholism. Oh, and I used to keep a website about my cat) And the ever popular, what are your strengths and weaknesses? I love the episode of The Office when the fat guy is getting his performance review, and he says his biggest weakness is eczema.
1 and 2. I ain't met shit. Once I met Hootie in the mall.
3. Go to Tivo. It will make you whole.
4. People talk funny.
5. I'd start watching the Suns again, but then they'd start losing. It is my gift. It is my curse.
6. As a relatively new vegetarian, I can say I don't miss bacon. Ribs, maybe. Steak, definitely.
Also interested in immediacy... maybe later.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Catfish Vegas said...

Female fashion trend that will remain ridiculous for the remainder of time:
Shantz, or capri pants as they are sometimes called.
Female fashion trend of the last several years I'd love to see return:
Those shirts with no backs, that kinda tie on... ya know, those ones.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Chomberson said...


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Chomberson said...

PS -- I always liked wearing the tie back frocks, but Kip and the Phlippin' channels crew always said "bib shirts" were stupid.


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