Thursday, December 16, 2004

Booyakasha! It's Mr. Chair's comic book pick of the week!

So soon? Yes. Relatively few releases of interest this Wednesday, but a couple of gems. My pick of the week is going to be, surprise surprise, Warren Ellis' "Ocean." The third in the series of six about a strange discovery in the subterranean ocean in one of Jupiter's moons. This issue gets the recognition because of a really cool cover and a mini-plotline about a interplanetary weapons manufacturer that suspends its employees' personalities during their employment. They all have preprogrammed template personas with the same conversational dialogue and movements. Sounds crazy, but after working for a couple of big conglomerates, such an idea isn't too far-fetched.

Secret embargoed pick of the week: Ocean isn't the real pick of the week. But I can't in good conscience steal Shankara Chase's pick, the first new work from a top artist in years, which is astounding. He pointed it out to me, after all. Stay tuned.


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shoulin cowboy is nothing more that a portfolio of Darrow's work. It's not the amazing thing that people say it is. I bought it and loved it, but it is not great writing. There is no writing. I mean there are eight pages of people that want to kill the cowboy. yeah, I thought that was funny and well drawn, but it was also a waste of my buck. I will probably buy the next one, and don't give me that "you vote with your dollar crap." I always try to give new comics a few issues to prove themselves. We'll see

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Mr. Chair said...

I'd take a stab by saying that the first issue was light on story and plot, so writing in that sense, definitely. But the storytelling was superb.


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