Friday, December 30, 2005

running out of time

We got quite a few runners for the death pool.

Deadline is just over 24 hours from now. enter quick if you haven't yet.

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Death of Pat Morita (AKA Karate Kid's Miyogi)

Sadly, Pat Morita died.

My stepdad seriously looks like him. Don't joke.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Loungers, please read.
C'mon now...

04. Dream Conditioning

Yoll jumped into action. His dreamscape was far more violent and dreary than the waking world, but still he was sluggish. Since the advent of dream conditioning, the best warriors trained as they slept. Only in the subconscious does one have the advantage of knowing his weaknesses better than the enemy ever can.

Yoll saw dream conditioning as the only way. The general was indecisive under stress and had only overcome his intinctual deficiency through superior strategy. But the coming Petroleum War was different, he knew that. The plans and strategies that had carried him through the first conflicts after the fall of New York were of no use now.

Yoll also had deep reserves about the Secret Plan. It was dangerous and desparate, and failure meant the end of not only his life, but the progress he'd made. Science itself was done with, for one. Knowledge wasn't wanted in the days of the Dominion.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Death Pool 2006

It's not quite over yet, but so far it appears I am to be congratulated for winning the Death Pool 2005 with correctly guessing two deaths: The Pope, and Arthur Miller. I totally should have guessed Rosa Parks, but oh well.

Nobody else got any correct, though you might have won had you guessed "hundreds of New Orleaners", "hundreds of American soldiers", or "lots of people with AIDS". Not really, though. Because you have to select famous people.

Now it's time for you to predict the demise of famous people in 2006. Remember, Ted Williams died in 2002, so don't waste your time.

Deadline to respond (in the comments section) is December 31.