Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Today in the news

Today in the news

This is, after all, the 21st Century, so let's see what's going on in
the wacky world of science technology.

Unprecedented Shuttle Repair a Success
This guy is wandering around in a spacesuit for six hours to remove
two tiny pieces of ceramic tile filler that could destroy a machine
worth untold millions and kill seven people. Yeah, that's pretty
awesome. But the best part is "He did not have to use a makeshift
hacksaw put together in orbit that he brought along just in case."
I'm all for exploring the known universe and all, but should this
thing really have carried these people into space? Aren't pre-launch
repairs a bit easier to make? It's almost like NASA knew this was no
big deal and is showboating on this whole McGuyver-type repair scheme.

Brain-dead Virginia woman gives birth to girl

The most amazing part is this isn't anything new:
"Since 1979, there have been at least a dozen similar cases published
in English medical literature, said Dr. Winston Campbell, director of
maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Connecticut Health
Center, which conducted research on the topic."

Korean First to Successfully Clone a Dog

But the dumbasses cloned an Afghan hound, "ranked by dog trainers as
the least companionable and most indifferent among the hundreds of
canine breeds."
Which brings to mind: who would be the human equivalent?
Regis? Zsa Zsa Gabor? Billy Bob Thornton?

Lighting Strike Kills Utah Boy Scout
Those guys haven't had much luck lately...

All 309 Survive Toronto Jetliner Crash
Amazing - 309 people walk out of a plane crash.

And the quote of the day:
From Astronaut Stephen Robinson: "It is a very nice orbital belly."


At 9:38 PM, Blogger : said...

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At 9:39 PM, Blogger : said...

Oh man, I wanted to be an astronaut so bad from age 7 to age 8.

I agree with Face. Swede would be a good news-satire writer because he actually knows the news.


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