Friday, July 15, 2005

Time for the Christian right to complain... Again

The New Harry Potter book comes out tonight, which mean that certain groups will complain about the influence these books have on children. And what a horrible influence it is. I'm seeing kids with 1200 page books in their hands and they're not just looking at pictures, they're reading them. My God, what has happened to this country when kids are reading bigger books than the adults. This can't happen. I for one will be at my local books store handing out tokens to the local arcade, TV Guides, and free passes to Fantastic Four the movie. Maybe this will get kids back into the slacker-go-happy attitude that is expected.

I also worry about what morals the poor children may learn from these books. I mean sure it talks about friends and doing the right thing. Sure one of the heroes is a book worm and cares about grades. I don't think it's important that they talk about accepting others for who they are "on the inside." I'm worried about this pagan attitude that all these books have. Witches and Wizards are just poppycock, and have no place in this world. It seems to be saying that the miracles of the Holy bible are just parlor tricks and not the works of God.

When will people learn that reading is bad, and children need to be sheltered from outside ideas. It takes a village, people. So I'll see you there. I'm actually picking up a copy of "The Half Blood Prince."



At 6:35 PM, Blogger Zackataca said...

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At 6:40 PM, Blogger Zackataca said...

I work at Borders and what I'm about to tell you is not a lie. We were open at midnight to sell the book and by close of books at 2am we sold... wait for it... I'm not lying... I couldn't make this up... here it comes... exactly six hundred and sixty-six books! I swear on my balls I'm not making this up. And I fucking love Heat n' Dexx. They're my boys.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talkin about. These little devil worshippers are working in force to get their master's word out there.


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