Thursday, April 14, 2005

Weather Freak-Out

I live in an area with no real seasons. It’s either hot during the day and hot at night or it’s warm at day and cold at night. There’s a tree outside my apartment, but I don’t think the leaves have ever fallen.

But I think this is a good thing for me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been pretty weird when the seasons change. I don’t know why. My emotions just get off.

But it hit me last week. I was talking to a chick in class about drugs. I started talking about hallucinogenics, and she asked what it was like when I peaked. I told her that’s not the craziest part. It’s the transitions that mess you up. First everything is fine, then Yoda starts yelling at you. But at the end, you’ve had this long trip, but then the walls start to solidify.

I thinks that’s how I am with the weather. I get used to the heat, but then the air starts to cool. Or I’m used to cold nights, then I have to toss aside my jacket.

It’s the transitions that mess with me. The peak is fine. I can handle the highs and lows, but I don’t know what to do when things change.

Maybe that’s my bigger problem.


At 6:10 PM, Blogger Catfish Vegas said...

Bad Yoda.


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