Friday, February 25, 2005

I Propose a New Religion p.2 or The Pod People

I was talking to Dr. Chase while we were waiting for the Spongebob movie to start, and he was saying, "I actually thought the other day about which of my friends or family I would sacrifice to keep my iPod. I ultimately decided that I wouldn't do it, but just the fact that I thought about it says a lot."

And then we were at a barbecue last weekend where there were four iPod owners, and when talking about the pros and cons of the iPod, I blurted out, "There are no drawbacks, and if anyone disagrees, I'll fight them right now." There was some shock, but I think they all felt that way deep down.

Today I was at the bookstore drinking coffee, and little white wires dangling from my ears gave me away like a Star of David or a Crucifix. This old guy was outside the store and saw me through the window. He held up his iPod Shuffle, which hung around his neck, mouthed "Shuffle," and grinned. I nodded and grinned and kissed my little iPod friend and he rode off on his bike. I got a little bit embarrased because there were people all around. They must have thought, "God he thinks he's so high and mighty, like he's better than everyone else." That's when I realized that I finally know what it's like to have religion. But instead of sharing faith in a god, we share heaven on earth, with our entire music collections dangling under our clothes near our hearts. Blessed be. And blessed be the Robot Jox too.


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we stopped talking about comics, i was going to leave, but now we're talking about ipods, so i can stay.

i got mine for Christmas. Or what we call in my family, Chanaquansmas. Now, i had no intention of ever getting an ipod. i thought they were another toy for the rich. But my folks are rich, so they got me and my two bothers each an ipod.

i looked down on the shiniest thing i'd seen in a while. It was so clean and new. i din't want to even touch it.

i have to say, that i have become an ipod snob. i was so against them for so long, but the moment i got one, i caved to it's will. Now i'm constantly walking around with my ipod in hand, twirling its dial and pushing its buttons.

i pity those who do not know the love that is the pod. thank you

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Mr. Chair said...

welcome to the fold brother batlin. now go watch Robot Jox

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Catfish Vegas said...

We better not be nearing an era where the podless become second-class citizens. (Or, I ought to get a pod).

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have a pod? I just erased your number from my phone.


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