Ampersand! It's Mr. Chair's Comic Book Pick of the Week!!!!!!
I foresee a pattern in the coming months. Expect Grant Morrison's "Seven Soldiers" series to consistently be the MCCBPOTW. He's got a bold endeavor going on right now, and I think he's going to do it justice. This month, for example, "Shining Knight" is the pick of the week. The story is a mind-boggler, as we've come to expect from the bald Englishman. But the art couples with Morrison as well as I've seen, including Frank Quitely. A double splash page pretty much makes the issue, with an organic, magical city in the sky hovering over New York. I looked at it for like three minutes. Simone Bianchi's art looks water-colored, but more likely it's the same ink wash technique Tim Sale uses in Daredevil Yellow and Hulk Gray. Good comics!
Seven Soldiers is going to be great. I was kinda hoping the comics would be after each other, not at the same time. I was hoping for another two years of solid Morrison, but this way, I get a Morrison book every week.
Cool Beans.
But I just picked up the back issues to LOSERS. Man, I don't know how anyone could read that monthly. I can't wait for the next issue. I'm getting jittery. But the same thing happened when I finished the 100 Bullets trades and had to switch to monthly.
I just don't like waiting.
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